CAT invites organizations to submit expressions of interest to deliver new and improved technologies to Malawi agriculture.

The CAT is a science, technology and business incubation hub. Here, researchers, businesses, aspiring entrepreneurs and students like you can experiment, use data, exchange ideas, develop business plans and create partnerships to transform Malawi’s agricultural sector. 

Partnering with The Centre for Agricultural Transformation.

The CAT is located in Malawi, where agriculture accounts for more than one-third of GDP. With a sizable commercial agricultural sector, and rapidly growing workforce, Malawi stands at the edge of significant agricultural output, from maize, cassava, sweet potatoes, rice, sorghum, groundnuts, pulses and many other commodities. We invite partners to join us in:

  • Providing access to irrigation, improved seeds and fertilizers, crop protection products, and advanced farming, along with post- harvest and supply chain technologies. 

  • Accelerating agricultural research and innovation through public and private partnerships in Malawi and beyond, with our academic partners LUANAR and MUST.

  • Developing Malawi’s agricultural enterprises and ecosystem through business incubation, AgTech Challenges, Entrepreneurship Academies and Hackathons.

  • Malawi Agricultural Data Services, provided by the University of Minnesota (US) and Stellenbosch University (SA), provides the single largest data resource for Malawian agriculture.

Type of Partnerships:

Cooperative Research and Development: CAT research facilities can be accessed by companies, universities, and other institutions through a user agreement. 

Agricultural Technology Demonstrations: Turn key demonstration or trial plots with value-adding irrigation, ground-sensing and data-pipeline support services that allow partners to showcase technologies or perform statistical trials. 

Actionable Data: CAT is building the largest repository of data on Malawian agriculture, with capacity building on data science and provision of agricultural data for decision making. 

Research on Demand: Designed to address critical knowledge gaps with the objective of creating long term impact in Malawian agriculture, and available to private sector partners.

Laboratory Services: Particularly in soil fertility, water quality, food safety, pesticide residues, fertilizer quality, animal feed, plant disease & nematode analysis. 

Makers Lab: Available to inventors/innovators in the agriculture sector, compete with technology and design equipment. 

Hackathon / AgTech / Entrepreneurship Academies: Innovation and business challenges to farmers and youth across Malawi for idea generation and integration of ideas into entrepreneurial models. 

Business Incubation: Business Incubation: Working space for agricultural enterprises with access to advisory services from mentors/coaches and facilities at the CAT building.

The CAT also seeks partnerships throughout Malawi, to showcase technologies and catalyze agricultural transformation around the country.